The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field (Luke 10:2). 要收的庄稼多,做工的人少。所以,你们当求庄稼的主,打发工人出去收他的庄稼 (路加福音 10:2)。

The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field (Luke 10:2). 要收的庄稼多,做工的人少。所以,你们当求庄稼的主,打发工人出去收他的庄稼 (路加福音 10:2)。

Where our mission partners are making disciples around the world…


Nepali Ministry (尼泊爾事工)

There’s an urgent and immediate need to reach out to the Nepali. There are many opportunities especially in and around Hurstville. We’re making progress with a collaboration effort with different Anglican churches in our mission area and Evangelism New Churches. The goal is to appoint a Nepalese church planter and support New Life Nepalese Church who currently rents our building.

我們有迫切的需要去接觸尼泊爾族群的人。 尤其是在好士圍區及其周邊地區,有很多這樣的機會。 為此,我們正與我們宣教區域內不同的聖公會和福音新教會 (Evangelism and New Churches) 合作,並且取得進展。 我們的目標是任命一位尼泊爾裔植堂者,及支持目前租用我們教會場地崇拜聚會的尼泊爾新生命教會。

Berkeley Life centre (伯克利生命中心)

Berkeley Life Centre desires to see Jesus Christ transforming lives to transform a community. They minister in the south coast in an area where many people are from a low socioeconomic background. People are coming to faith and the church is making a positive impact. Click here for more information about the church.


Compassion (憐愛之家助養兒童機構)

Compassion seeks to release children from poverty in Jesus’ name. Many people have come to faith and communities have been changed through their ministries. We invite you to sponsor children Sumba Indonesia. We believe that together, under God, we can make a real difference in this region over the next 20 years. If you would like to support this region, you can contact Compassion and ask for a child from Sumba Tengah (Central Sumba) or from churches IO0318, IO0321, IO0323, IO0324, IO0328, IO0330 or IO0339. Click here for more information about the organisation. You can submit prayer points for your children here so that our church family can be praying for them and the region.

Compassion(憐愛之家)助養兒童機構致力於奉主耶穌之名讓兒童脫貧。許多人已信主得救,社區因著他們的事工也改變了。我們邀請您助養印尼松巴島的兒童。我們相信在神的引領下,我們齊心協力,定能在今後的20年裡為該地區帶來真正的改變。如果您們想支持這個地區,您們可以聯繫 Compassion助養兒童機構 ,並從 Sumba Tengah(Central Sumba松巴島中央)或從教會IO0318、IO0321、IO0323、IO0324、IO0328、IO0330 或 IO0339中助養一個孩子。按此處可了解更多關於該機構的信息。

JC in SE Asia (東南亞的JC)

JC is ministering in a secure location. Our support allows him to be in the country and share the gospel.


Hoi-Yan Shea in Japan with OMF (海外基督使團[OMF]差派往日本的HOI-YAN SHEA)

She and a team are seeking to plant a church in Yahaba. Click here for more information about OMF.

她和一個團隊正在尋求在YAHABA(亞哈巴)植堂。 按此處可了解更多有關海外基督使團 (OMF)的資訊。


local high school scripture (本地中學聖經教育)

We are sharing the hope of Jesus in our local high schools (Hurstville Boys, Sydney Tech and Oatley High). Click here for more information about this ministry.

我們在本地的中學(好事圍男校,悉尼科技中學,和Oatley 高中)分享在主耶穌裏的盼望。此處了解更多關於此項事工的信息。


Mellisa Wang at FOCUS ADelaide (在阿德萊德FOCUS[基督國際留學生團契]的王一鳴)

Mellisa seeks to support our student committee in running the group's weekly activities. She also meets one to one with female students to disciple them through reading the Bible and prayer.

MELLISA的工作是支持我們的學生委員會每週進行的小組活動。 她也與女學生作一對一的面談,透過閱讀聖經和祈禱對她們進行門徒訓練。


philip and lillian in West asia (在西亞的PHILIP和LILLIAN)

Philip and Lillian along with their daughters Susannah and Joanna serve in West Asia with Wycliffe. Philip works with locals on Bible translation projects and teaches at a Bible College. Lillian disciples local women. Click here for more information about them and Wycliffe.  

PHILIP和LILLIAN以及他們的女兒SUSANNAH和JOANNA,是WYCLIFFE威克理夫聖經翻譯會差往西亞服侍的一個家庭。 PHILIP與當地人一起進行聖經翻譯工作,並在一所神學院任教。 LILLIAN則為當地婦女進行門徒訓練。 按此可了解更多有關他們和WYCLIFFE威克理夫聖經翻譯會的資訊。


Mathys in PNG (巴布亞新幾內亞的Mathys家庭)

Ruth and Calvin along with their children Jakob, Andreas and Petra seek to make the Bible available to everyone in Papua New Guinea in their own language. Ruth provides training for PNG Bible translators and Calvin is an aircraft maintenance engineer who works on aeroplanes which provide transport and logistical support for Bible translation. Click here for more information about them and Wycliffe.

Ruth 和 Calvin和他們的孩子Jakob, Andreas 及 Petra 致力於使巴布亞新幾內亞的每個人都可以獲得用他們自己語言的聖經。 Ruth 為巴布亞新幾內亞的聖經翻譯者提供培訓,而Calvin 是飛機維修工程師,這些飛機為聖經翻譯提供交通和物資的運輸。此處了解更多有關他們和威克里夫宣教機構的信息。